World Animal Day Sale

Every hour 3 animal species disappear off the face of the Earth. The fourth of all species of flora and fauna will cease to exist in the next few years. Shocking, right?

Software with discounts in World Animal Day

Once again, we would like to draw attention to this problem and thank those who’s in any way involved in helping animals.

Lately biodiversity on Earth has been declining at a catastrophic rate. And such day as today is intended to draw people’s attention to other inhabitants of our planet. Those who live next to us and those whose problems are often caused by the human activity.

Certainly, the situation in changing. Different countries are creating books with lists of endangered species as well as developing strategies of the preservation and updating environmental laws. Events intended to raise awareness are being held in over 60 countries on World Animal Day. This is a good signal.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to increase the level of people’s activity in ecological area. To speak up about environmental problems, to inform others on participation in green funds and animal protection communities.

We’re saying thank you to everyone who’s already engaged in the process of saving our planet’s flora and fauna for the future generations. And sharing a 20% discount on all of our software products. The discount is activated with a secret word ANIMAL and works during 24 hours.