Tag Archives: holiday

Get a GIFT on Boxing Day

This year was favorable and joyful for somebody, and for someone – difficult and stern. However, the great stages of life should be ended on a positive note. And now it is time when we leave all the bad things in the past and draw our attention to a new bright future.

Boxing Day Gifts

The New Year gives us hope for the best. We also want to make a small present to all our readers. We hope, that our last sale in 2016 will please you. Especially on such a wonderful Boxing Day. Continue reading

A Single Discount on All Software on German Unity Day

On October 3rd all Germans celebrate the major federal holiday of the country – German Unity Day (Tag der Deutschen Einheit). This national holiday of Germany was changing dates during history. These were June 17 and November 9, but the official date was set on October 3, as the Day of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic unity. Although, actually, reunification of the western and the eastern parts of Germany occurred a year earlier, during the fall of the Berlin Wall.

German Unity Day

This day to all the visitors of Easy2Convert blog we provide a single discount on all the spectrum of our image software products. The codeword activates a special price for any software in our store. Continue reading

Software Discounts in Italian Republic Day

Italians celebrate Republic Day (Festa della Repubblica) on June 2 every year. It is one of the grand holidays in Italy, the National Birthday. For Italians it is of the same importance as the Bastille Day in France or Independence Day in the United States. That day back in 1946 there was held a constitutional referendum and Italian citizens abandoned monarchy in favor of a republican system of government.

Discounts in Italian Republic Day

Today, all visitors of our blog (not only Italians 😉 ) can take advantage of the holiday 30% discount on the entire range of our software products. To do that, you need to know the code word of 5 characters. Continue reading

Australia Day Sales

Today the residents of Australia celebrate their national holiday. The event related to Australia Day occurred more than two centuries ago. On January 26, 1788 the First Fleet arrived to Sydney Cove, after which the British sovereignty over the eastern coast of the continent known as New Holland was proclaimed. The first colony mentioned New South Wales on the green continent was founded. Actually, it became the beginning of a development of Australia by Europeans.

Australian Flag

This day Australians of a year are rewarded, the prime minister delivers a speech. Water is hosting numerous regattas. In the cities in the whole country people hold parades, light shows, festivals, and concerts. In the night they shoot off magnificent fireworks. We offer all the visitors of Easy2Convert’s blog to celebrate this holiday and give good discounts on our software products in honour of this event. Continue reading

Halloween 2015 Software Discounts

Are different even spirits wearing frightful masks already knocking on your door in search of goodies? Not yet? Then you have few minutes to learn more about our offer for today’s night. Instead of candies and fancy cakes, we decided to appease the Halloween spirits by offering a good 30% discount on all the range of our products from a software catalog.

Halloween Discounts

We think this deal will strike a chord with you. Therefore, do not lose your time, choose any image converter and place an order as long as a discount is available. And then immediately take your scary suit out of a dusty closet and go ahead to celebrate a magic holiday! One may go to haunted attractions, to take a walk around corn maze or just to talk to Jack-o’-lantern about the eterne. Continue reading